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San Antonio, TX | Facelifts & Facial Rejuvenation | San Antonio Plastic Surgery Institute

Dr. Michael Decherd, a San Antonio based plastic surgeon, discusses facial rejuvenation options for patients including the facelift.


I have a lot of women come in, say to me, "What can I do about my face?" They say, "You know, the person who looks back at me in the mirror looks a lot older than the person I feel like I am," or they say, "Everyone tell me I'm angry or tired. I don't feel that way."

I want to give everybody education and options. I'm here to give them their choices and then let them figure out how we can get what they want. When people come in and ask me what we can do for their face, we usually start with simple things. We'll talk about skin care. Then we'll talk about injections such as Botox or other neuromodulators or fillers of which there's a whole bunch. At some point we end up talking about surgery.

I find that women are afraid of surgery on their face and I understand that. Everybody's seen some person who looks like they've had a facelift and nobody wants to be that person. That fear sometimes gets taken advantage of in the market with products that aren't very effective. When something sounds too good to be true, great results and no down time, it's probably too good to be true.

The surgical options we have are fairly effective. People are afraid of them but usually the gal as with any plastic surgery is to look natural and look good, look refreshed. I had one person tell me she went to a reunion and everyone said, "You look so rested and what are you doing? Are you sleeping more?" That's the ultimate compliment. No one could figure out what she had done. She just looked real natural, like a younger version of herself.